Monday, August 16, 2010

Designing a Nursery/ Bedroom? - consider the following!

Having just stumbled across what I agreed to be sound advise regarding what to buy for a newborn, it brought back all sorts of memories!

I'd highly recommend any future parents consider:

a DIMMER SWITCH fitted whilst you're doing the decorating etc.Theglow fromthe plug in types are great to a limited extentbut, frompersonal experience, when you're looking for a dummy at 3am or your child has just been sick everywhere you need extra lighting that doesn't "blind" the child or you!
BLACK OUT BLINDS/CURTAIN LINERS - being honest never used them until this Spring when both my children had a room makeover and got "branded curtains" The curtains certainly matched the decor etc but you could literally see the light shining through. Theirwindows were unsuitable for blinds but theblack outliners are ace! - heat and light keptout in summer and warmth retained in winter! - their old curtains did have linings but weren't half as effective.
SOCKET COVERS - not neededinitially but consider as a "must have" item when your child gets to moving on their own!

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