Things to look out when buying a memory card:
Sellers who are private sellers rather than business sellers, you should ask yourself how can a private seller be dealing with big businesses like Sandisk and Kingston and the distributors that supply them, the answer mostly they are not, they will be importing fake cards from China.
Riduclous prices, the worst offenders are the Sandisk/Sony Pro Duo cards at the time of writing I have seen sellers flogging them for half the price you can buy them from the distributors from, Ebay will do nothing about this :(. What this means is genuine sellers have not got a chance as their prices will appear expensive next to the fake counterparts, my advice always check the feedback and ask to see a picture of the packaging (see below for details). I know you may not like this but look at the more expensive pro duo cards on ebay they are more likely to be genuine.
Packaging, some ebayers show the Sandisk packaging in the images and we can instantly tell they are fake, Sandisk now package all of their memory cards in airtight blister packs which cannot be opened other then with a pair of scissors. If the advert is claiming OEM bulk they are more than likely fake, basically they will have no packaging so the cards you are receiving could have been changed to whatever the ebay member wants to give you.
If you have the unfortunate pleasure of purchasing one of these fake cards, contact trading standards and then the police and also inform Ebay this way we can help clean up Ebay and let the Genuine sellers sell their products.
Ebayers from Hong Kong, China, South Korea etc, they are 9/10 selling fake cards which will break ie lose your favourite photos or music after a couple of months, some even claim to be in the UK then send the card direct from China, my advice avoid like the plague.
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